#002 phoenix_2

This is a variant of phoenix and reflects a rather dark time.

#001 phoenix

like the phoenix from the ashes, we will emerge stronger. this piece was created as a canvas at the beginning of 2020 – at that time the effects of the pandemic could hardly be estimated, but nevertheless it was known that it had to lead to a new beginning.


phase#1 is the first implementation of moving nft’s. each of the 6 artworks is based on a work by stiefkind. each one tells a story of the artist and deals with the inner confrontation of the current situation and the daily struggle with depression. examples?

stfknd – accomplices of art

stfknd – accomplices of art is the digital implementation of the project stiefkind. stfknd is part of the accomplices of art – an association of several artists who like to go different ways and do not swim with the current. the colors purple and olive play a major role, as do the supposed circles, which […]