#004 heartbeat

when the time comes when every heartbeat tears your heart apart and you still have to overact everything… to get ahead.
#006 out of the dark

no matter when, no matter where, and certainly no matter how you feel – the time always comes, taking a step out of the darkness, to move forward in life. to leave the forest and with it the darkness, in order to again participate in life.
#005 heartbeat_2

and again a darker version. when the time comes when every heartbeat tears your heart apart and you still have to overplay everything…. to move forward.
#003 distance

here is our interpretation of it. one of the most drastic experiences of the last 2 years.
#002 phoenix_2

This is a variant of phoenix and reflects a rather dark time.
#001 phoenix

like the phoenix from the ashes, we will emerge stronger. this piece was created as a canvas at the beginning of 2020 – at that time the effects of the pandemic could hardly be estimated, but nevertheless it was known that it had to lead to a new beginning.