
wie der phoenix aus der asche werden wir gestärkt daraus hervorgehen. pssst! daemon_01 is the first plastic i ever created. i play with a symbiosis of the daemon layout as a digital print on a naked t-shirt. the whole thing is covered with epoxy resin and thus preserved. the final piece is a base, which […]
stfknd is phygital. this is understood as the fusion of physical and digital art. digital content or artworks are implemented in the real world and presented and combined in a variety of ways. stfknd is the future. examples?

many names for a figure that is always in the process of discovering itself, having lost itself somewhere along the way. A home somewhere between fiction and reality. i see myself as an artist, designer, creator, visionary, dreamer, and part of the complicity of art. my place is somewhere between tangible reality and the vastness […]
purple love

wie der phoenix aus der asche werden wir gestärkt daraus hervorgehen. and the journey continues… sometimes you don’t understand why. but everything finds itself with time – EVERYTHING. examples?

wie der phoenix aus der asche werden wir gestärkt daraus hervorgehen. and what can i say? i like berlin, i like beaches and the sunrise… …the climate change will fix it… examples?

wie der phoenix aus der asche werden wir gestärkt daraus hervorgehen. do you know this? the brain is trapped…the days are not colorful and it bubbles in the head? give yourselves a time out. allow it. examples?

wie der phoenix aus der asche werden wir gestärkt daraus hervorgehen. sometimes it helps to see the world through a child’s eyes…let me introduce you to the “einhornherz” change of view. combine things, let it happen and don’t always take everything too seriously. inspired by my wonderful daughter. thank you. examples?

wie der phoenix aus der asche werden wir gestärkt daraus hervorgehen. …kisses …sensual, creative, world-shaking… but often also very dangerous… examples?

wie der phoenix aus der asche werden wir gestärkt daraus hervorgehen. love. trapped pain. outbreak. …quite a few thoughts for a saturday night.

wie der phoenix aus der asche werden wir gestärkt daraus hervorgehen. kill them with kindness. inspired by the great patrick vogel! …in serenity lies strength. don’t be intimidated by people who only want to see the bad… always stay friendly, stay on your own way and then achieve successfully your goal.